First, the current problems in fertilization

As an important factor to improve crop yield, chemical fertilizer has been recognized by farmers. However, with the increasing input of chemical fertilizers in recent years, the effect of increasing fertilizer production is becoming less and less obvious. People find that fertilizer is not so "spiritual". . What is the reason for reducing the yield increase of fertilizers, summed up the following:

(1) The fertilization structure is unreasonable, and the proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are imbalanced. At present, some farmers still fertilize according to traditional experience, and there is serious blindness and randomness. At present, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium input in Heilongjiang Province is 11:0.88: 0.17, and the actual nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium input ratio in accordance with the province should be 1:0.8:0.3. It can be seen that long-term blind fertilization has caused the abnormal ratio of soil nitrogen deficiency, potassium deficiency and phosphorus excess, resulting in an increase in the amount of fertilizer, but the yield did not increase, resulting in serious waste.

(2) The method of fertilization is not scientific. Farmers tend to pay attention to the application of base fertilizer, and rarely carry out topdressing. This not only reduces the fertilizer utilization rate, but also causes the phenomenon of de-fertilization in the late stage of crop growth, which affects the yield of crops. The fertilizer is not divided, and the depth of fertilization is too shallow. An important reason for the low rate is that most farmers still use manual methods to bury and bury the crops. This method of fertilization saves labor and labor, but it is easy to cause the volatilization and leaching of fertilizers. In addition, when the wheat is planted in spring, the soil is only frozen by 3-5 cm, and the chemical fertilizer cannot be applied at all, which inevitably reduces the utilization rate of the fertilizer.

(3) Trace elements have not received the attention they deserve. Because the trace elements in the soil are not replenished for a long time, the content can not meet the growth needs of the crop. According to the "Minimum Nutrient Law", even if the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is reasonable, the yield of the crop will be affected.

Second, an effective way to improve the utilization rate of fertilizer

The input and utilization rate of chemical fertilizers is one of the important indicators of agricultural modernization. At present, the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers in China is only 35%, while that in Heilongjiang Province is only 30%, which is twice as low as that in developed countries. The current fertilization level is 5 million standard tons. If the fertilizer utilization rate is increased by 10%, it will increase the chemical fertilizer by 500,000 standard tons, which is equivalent to the output of a medium-sized fertilizer plant. The economic and social benefits are very significant. So how can we increase fertilizer utilization?

(1) Vigorously promote formula fertilization technology. According to the fertilizer requirement of the crop, the soil test results and the utilization rate of the fertilizer, adjust the reasonable dosage and proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and medium and trace elements to make the crops have a comprehensive and reasonable nutrient supply, and maximize the crop yield increase potential. Improve economic efficiency.

(2) Comprehensively improve the fertilization method. According to the fertilizer requirement of crops, fertilize in stages at various stages of crop growth to meet the nutrient supply of the whole growth period of the crops, and achieve the purpose of economic fertilization; in addition, it is necessary to vigorously promote autumn fertilization and deep fertilization, and wheat is achieved through autumn fertilization. Deep application, corn and potato reach deep application through planing and top dressing, and soybeans use deep-drilling machines to achieve deep application. Through autumn fertilization and deep fertilization, the loss of fertilizer is minimized, thereby increasing the utilization rate of fertilizer.

(3) Application of chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers. In addition to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and various medium and trace elements, organic fertilizer also contains a large number of beneficial microorganisms and organic colloids. It has important functions such as soil improvement and fertilizer conservation, which can make up for the single nutrient caused by single application of chemical fertilizers. Shortcomings such as soil fixation and easy leaching, less fertilizer loss, and beneficial to improve fertilizer utilization.

(4) Other methods to improve the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers.

1 look at soil fertilization. Such as: sandy soil. Due to serious water leakage and heavy fertilizer, the method of “less eating and eating more” should be adopted.

2 ammonium nitride fertilizer should not be mixed with alkaline fertilizer. Alkaline fertilizers such as ash, lime, kiln and potassium cannot be mixed with ammonium sulphate such as ammonium sulphate, ammonium chloride or liquid ammonia. Otherwise, it will cause nitrogen loss and reduce fertilizer efficiency.

3 After urea application, it is not suitable to water immediately, and it is not easy to apply before heavy rain. Otherwise, urea is easily lost with water.

4 Avoid using fertilizers such as urea, ammonium chloride, potassium nitrate, etc., which are toxic and corrosive to seeds, so as not to affect seed germination and cause lack of seedlings.
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