Fertilization is an indispensable measure to increase yield during the growth of crops. However, improper use can often cause crops to produce fertilizer damage, which will have a great impact on crop growth and yield increase. Therefore, farmers must pay attention to the production process to prevent crop damage.

1 The main cause of crop damage

1.1 blind application of nitrogen fertilizer. In production, people always think that crops have a large demand for nitrogen fertilizer. Therefore, once the crops are poorly grown, they will not ask for defects and apply nitrogen. Therefore, the more the nitrogen fertilizer is applied, the more the fertilizer is caused by excess. In particular, the application of volatile nitrogen fertilizers, such as ammonium bicarbonate and ammonia water, is prone to ammonia gas and causes crop damage. Excessive application of ammonia fertilizer will also cause accumulation of nitrous acid in plants, causing nitrous acid poisoning, which is characterized by browning of the roots and yellowing of the leaves. Excessive application of nitrate ammonia fertilizer is likely to cause crop imbalance iron and molybdenum.

1.2 The amount of chasing is too large. If the amount of chemical fertilizer or human and animal excrement is too large, it will cause the fertilizer concentration in the soil site to be too high, so that the roots of the crop will be absorbed and the nutrients will be blocked.

1.3 Apply organic fertilizer without decomposing. Undecomposed organic fertilizers produce a large amount of organic acids and heat during the decomposition process, which easily causes root burning.

1.4 The top dressing is too close to the root of the crop. Because the chemical decomposition fertilizer is fast and high, the topdressing is too close to the root of the crop, which is easy to cause crop damage.

2 How to prevent crop damage?

To prevent crop damage, in the process of fertilization, you should pay attention to and do the following four points:

2.1 Organic fertilizers that do not apply green. The organic fertilizer must be fully decomposed and then applied, especially the poultry manure to be fermented, and the organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer should be mixed and applied.

2.2 Rational use of chemical fertilizers. The use of chemical fertilizers must be applied at the specified concentration, especially if the nitrogen fertilizer is not too much at a time. The concentration of foliar spray should not be too high. If urea is used as foliar fertilizer, the concentration should not exceed 0.3%, and the spray can be wet.

2.3 To increase the application of organic fertilizer. The organic fertilizer applied to the soil has a strong adsorption capacity for the cation, so that the concentration is not too high, and the buffering ability of the soil nutrient is improved, which can greatly reduce the occurrence of the fertilizer.

2.4 Topdressing should be farther from the root of the crop and deeper. The top dressing should be about 10 cm from the root system, and should be applied in depth. Immediately after topdressing, the soil should be covered to prevent the loss of seedlings and fertilizer efficiency. The soil should be filled with water in time after the top dressing to prevent rooting.
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