The ancients said: "One life and two games, three Feng Shui, four names and five readings." What is Feng Shui? "The air is scattered by the wind, and the water is bound by the world. The gathers will not break apart, and the line will make ends meet, so it is feng shui." "The law of feng shui is like water, and it is second to the Tibetan style." The essence of feng shui is "qi", and "qi" is the source of life and the foundation of life. The "qi" in feng shui is determined by the "order" of various objects in the surrounding environment in terms of time and space. It's actually very simple to create a romantic atmosphere. Now let's tell you about some small ways of home furnishings that can enhance your romance! Can also make your feelings sweet!

Flush with a glass of water

Bai Ruijia Household Goods Museum

The bedroom decoration is very knowledgeable. If a person can't sleep well for a long time, he or she will be fiery. Generally speaking, a person with a bad smell will often have bad breath, and people who have an unusual odor will usually have no fascinating charm. In traditional feng shui, it is thought that sleeping well is the head or bed head fire is too high, so that their heads and nerves can not be cooled down, will not sleep, so you may put a cup of water in your bed (You must not use hot water for cold water.) It is best to use a magnetic cup or a ceramic cup to hold water.

Use spotlights to increase aesthetics

Home furniture mattress / soft bed

Put a spotlight on the top of your home vase. When you feel bored and calm, concentrate on your spirit to receive the beauty message under the lights, and let the strong sense of the spotlight replace the bad news on your god. Naturally, you will have a good mood, and a beautiful heart. If you want to have love, you may wish to start with the beauty. The simple style will not make the bedroom look confused.


Bedroom feng shui style renderings porch decoration feng shui window home bed decoration home feng shui decoration simple style home feng shui decoration style vase home decor bedroom bedroom furnishings home decoration bedroom lamp

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