The main purpose of acceptance of rough houses is to conduct individual inspections of the houses to assess their current status, so that customers have a comprehensive, objective, fair and accurate understanding of the property to help them make a clear and clear buying and selling decision. So how does the acceptance of the rough house proceed?

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House inspection procedures:

First, look at the exterior: exterior facades, exterior wall tiles and coatings, unit doors, and corridors.

Second, check the interior: entrance doors, doors, windows, ceilings, walls, floors, wall tiles, floor tiles, upper and lower water, waterproof storage,

Strong and weak electricity, heating, gas, ventilation, exhaust, exhaust.

Third, after the adjacent test: Closed water test, water meter idling and other issues must be upstairs with the neighbors downstairs.

Home inspection tools:

First, measuring tools: 5m box ruler, 25 ~ 33cm square ruler, 50 ~ 60cm T-foot ruler, 1m ruler

Second, the electric clamp tool: with two and three plug plugs (ie, with indicator socket); all kinds of plugs: telephone, television, broadband; multimeter; shaking table; multi-purpose screwdriver ("-" word and "+" Word); No. 5 battery 2 section, test pencil; hand hammer; hammer; headlight, small lamp

Third, auxiliary tools: mirrors, flashlights, plastic bags, paper + matches, toilet paper, stools, paper pens

Inspection room special tools: vertical inspection ruler; multifunctional inner and outer right-angle inspection ruler; multi-functional vertical corrector; vernier feeler; diagonal inspection ruler; mirror;

Construction acceptance nature floor del floor socket housing house house heating floor tile exterior wall tile floor tile ld tile

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