These are the decoration mistakes that the seniors personally experienced. Xiaobian made it out, hoping to give suggestions to the friends who are decorating or preparing to decorate. Renovation should not be blind. Prepare your homework to minimize regret!

Fake flowers

This point is highly controversial, but using fake flowers is indeed a mistake. They can't bring indoor vitality like beautiful, scented flowers. They only have dust.
Replacing flowers every day is really costly, but sometimes it can be replaced with something else. Some lemons and fruits can be placed in a bowl to create a visual impact. Or use some dry natural materials, such as curved wicker or bamboo stalks.

2. Use too many pillows

If a pillow prevents you from comfortably sitting on a couch or lying on a bed, it appears to be too much. Putting too many pillows on the bed will take a lot of time before you go and move them away. After you get up early, you will spend the same amount of time putting them back in bed. Put your time, energy and financial resources in the area where the ink should be in the room instead of buying a lot of pillows. Several pillows can perform well.

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