At the earliest time, the wooden doors used at home were mostly made by decorators and craftsmen. Later, with the refinement of the home building materials market, the market began to sell finished products. Now, the development of the wooden door industry has been booming. Among them, wooden doors have been deeply loved by consumers because of their environmental protection and health characteristics. How do you choose wooden doors?

Comfortable suit wooden door

One: Look at the door cover. The material of the door cover, the door's deformation, sagging is actually a problem with the door cover. At present, there are mainly two kinds of door covers on the market, density boards and solid wood multi-layer boards. MDF is made from wheat, straw, sugarcane and other materials pressed into a powder, although its balance is good, but easy to crack deformation, nail holding power is poor. The solid wood multi-layer is formed by criss-crossing of multi-layer solid wood veneer, with strong nail holding force, good stability, waterproof and moisture proof, and is the first choice for home wood doors.

Two: After reading the door cover and then select the door core. The door core looks at what material it uses and whether it is real material.

Three: Look at the wooden door paint. The treatment of wooden door paint is very important, it directly affects the overall effect of the wooden door. At present, in order to save money, some businesses in the market will work hard in paint, and paint a door with two paints. This is cheap and saves a lot of paint processing. However, after the wooden door is used for a period of time, you will find it different. The place, so when you look at the wooden door, you can use the back of the hand to feel the feel of the paint, and ask how the process of selling paint.

Doors to buy wooden door brand three trees paint wooden door paint home decoration home building materials market decoration home

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