Although the sink is an accessory in the decoration, the frequency of use of the sink is the highest in all kitchen supplies. After the meal, 65% of the time is spent dealing with sinks, so its importance to family life is self-evident. What kind of sink is a product that is of good quality and can be trusted? The specific criteria for checking the quality of the sinks are provided by Sense Hardware:

Rocca sink

(1) Hole position - rear position, center position, lateral position

The rear position is the best, making more room for the lower cabinet. Lateral position.

(2) Material - hardness, gloss

Generally 301,304,430 stainless steel. 304DDQ stainless steel is best. Lightweight, wear-resistant, high temperature resistant, aging resistant, no rust.

(3) Thickness - overall stiffness

Generally 0.7~1mm.

(4) Edge - thin edge, narrow edge, straight edge.

General side height <4mm, side width <20mm, the best, can make the table flat, prevent side leakage, the effective volume of the pot body.

(5) Verticality of pelvic wall - vertical pelvic floor, arc angle.

The vertical angle is best, so that the effective area of ​​the pelvic floor is large and it is convenient to operate.

Sink entrance decoration stainless steel space home decoration home cabinet stainless steel cabinet kitchen cabinet door

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